Hey guys

Does anybody know how i can connect to a hopmod server with:

- an installed authkey for admin
- and a banned ip?

Thanks for the answers ...

Djakk | 2011-05-13 04:52

I know that cubescript is a loose derivation of C+, but can the cube engine understand true false conditionals? i.e. if this argument is true, execute script one, and if it is false, execute script two. If the cube engine can understand that, than how would it be coded? and I'm not looking for quantitative analysis, I'm thinking more along the lines of something that looks for (concatword (getname)). I recently came up with this:

alias level_trigger_12 [(concatword (getname)); Djakkennaia = [trigger 13 1]]

but this is not a true/false script. especially if the getname is wrong, the console echoes "unknown command: NAME". Back to the original question. is it possible? and if yes, what are commands/parameters? thanks in advance.

johnno56 | 2011-05-08 22:56

Hey guys,

Sorry if my question is too basic, but I have to start somewhere.

I am curious. Is it possible to end on map via a teleport and have it load the next map? ie: Use teleport to end a level AND start in new level. If so, how would that be scripted?



Pieman333272 | 2011-05-01 14:02

Is there any way to play multiplayer on a non-default (i.e. player created that isn't in the cube 2 package) map?

Djakk | 2011-04-28 23:44

Hello again. I'm currently wondering if there is a way to turn off the ability to edittoggle in single player. I have come up with a script that allows you to manually transport the player through the cfg, at the cost of resetting all entities. I only use it if the player is not going to ever return to that area of the map.

alias level_trigger_N [allowspedit; edittoggle; entfind ""; gotosel; edittoggle]

where N is the trigger number (obviously =P),
and "" is a single entity, of which there are no duplicates. (I usually use "sound 70+"

back to original question. Is there a way to deactivate the "allowspedit" command, so that the player cannot access edit mode? thanks in advance for any help.

Djakk | 2011-04-21 05:41

Me and my buddies were playing DM earlier today just for fun, when the map Injustice came into play. I noticed that there were certain textures that were "glossy" and I thought that this would be a nice effect to know how to do. any help?

Djakk | 2011-03-25 04:13

As some of you may know, I have been working on an extensive campaign for Sauerbraten (which has been drastically set back by college), and I want to be able to record scenes from the game to show to my friends and maybe even post on Facebook. I heard a rumor a while back that there was an in-game video recorder. Is this true? I know about the ability to export screenshots, and thats not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for actual video recording. I decided I should check up on the rumor first before purchasing capture software. Thanks in advance!

Sgt. Reaver | 2011-03-23 01:30

Hey guys.

I downloaded Red Eclipse and I love it.

I have just one question though.
In ffa modes, the player color is green. It's not really to my taste. Is there any way to change it to let's say... white?

I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance :D

skiingpenguins | 2011-03-18 21:39
Red Eclipse Windows server tutorial
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 (6 votes)

Red Eclipse server tutorial
For Windows
By SkiingPenguins, March 2011

-Customize configs
-Forward Ports
-Running server

## Customizing configuration files. ##
1-> Copy the "servinit.cfg" and "servexec.cfg" from data\examples to the root Red Eclipse directory. AKA beside server.bat
2-> Open the servinit.cfg file. If it is shown as only servinit, that is fine. your operating system is probably hiding the extension.

2.1-> Remove "// " from infront of the adminpass line.
2.1-> write the password inside the quotes to your liking.

2.2-> Remove "// " from infront of the serverport line.
2.2-> Edit the serverport to your liking. Remember this for later, will be need for Port Forwarding.

2.3-> IRC Settings. Below are the commands and how they are used.

ircfilter NUMBER
defines the way the colour-to-irc filter works; 0 = off, 1 = convert, 2 = strip

ircaddrelay name server.irc.net 6667 nickname
adds an irc server. name defines what the irc server's name is. server.ice.net defines what the server's DNS name is.
6667 is the default IRC port, nickname is what your bot's IRC nick will be.

ircbind name
use this only if you need to bind to a specific address, eg. multihomed machines (ADVANCED)
ircpass name password
some networks can use the PASS field to identify to nickserv(ADVANCED)

ircaddchan name "#lobby"
adds a channel to connect to
name is the same as in ircaddrelay.

ircrelaychan name "#lobby" 3
relay everything but verbose messages
name is the as in ircaddrelay. #lobby is the channel name. "3" means that everything except the most verbose messages will be relayed

ircfriendlychan name "#lobby" IRC
another friendly name for the relay on this channel
name is the same as in ircaddrelay. #lobby is the channel name. IRC is the bot's friendly name for the channel.

ircconnect name
name is the same as in ircaddrelay.

Sample IRC Settings:

ircfilter 1
ircaddrelay IRC NuclearFallout.WA.US.GameSurge.net 6667 RE-ServerBot
ircaddchan IRC "#moo"
ircrelaychan IRC "#moo" 3
ircfriendlychan IRC "#moo" IRC-CHANNEL
ircconnect IRC

3-> Open the servexec.cfg file.

3.1-> To use a command, you must remove the "// " from infront of it. this is commenting it out and making the server not detect it.

3.2->Import Commands to edit:

sv_serverclients 16
Maximum players on your server
sv_serverdesc "My server"
Server name in Server List
sv_servermotd "Welcome to my server!"
Message of the Day, shown when client connects.

4-> Forwarding Ports.
4.1-> Coming Soon. STFU!

5-> Running the server
5.1-> To run the server, all you must do is execute server.bat

More to come, First write up :P
Attached are:
default files (incase you messed up and overwrote them)
.zip of a sample server

Suicizer | 2011-03-03 10:56

Because it seems to be pretty tough for people to create models from basic geometry in Sauerbraten, here are some steps to create your own models!

I'm considering you already know how to create a map inside Sauerbraten, so I won't put anything about that in the tutorial.
I'm also considering you're using the windows version of Sauerbraten, installed on it's default way. So do me a favour and don't ask about how to create a model using mac, linux, or any other OS.

1. First start up Sauerbraten on your regular way.

2. Press /newmap when your able to, after Sauerbraten loaded all files, etc.

3. Create some basic geometry, like a simple cube (just as test).

4. Delete any other geometry that's inside the map, except that cube.

5. Press /writeobj cube. After you did that, an .obj-file and a .mtl-file will be written by Sauerbraten in it's main-folder (called cube)

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