And here we got a classic form of RTFM...
but no problem, I'll help :P.
The shadersetting you mean is probably the envmap shader...
This is where it has been set to on injustice:
setshader bumpenvspecworld
setshaderparam "specscale" .8 .8 .8
setshaderparam "envscale" .4 .4 .4
texture 0 "textures/nieb/concrete-dark.jpg" 0 0 0 .75
texture n "argh/flat.png"
texffenv 1
Another example:
setshader bumpenvspecworld
setshaderparam "specscale" 0.5 0.5 0.5
setshaderparam "envscale" 0.15 0.15 0.15
texture 0 "textures/nieb/floor1.jpg" 0 0 43 .75
texture n "textures/nieb/floor1_normal.png"
texture 0 "textures/nieb/floor2.jpg" 0 0 0 .5
texture n "textures/nieb/floor2_normal.png"
Hope that helps...
I don't know what the "texffenv" command does, but I'll test it some time...