bruhja | 2010-01-12 19:40
Editing movement speed
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 (1 vote)

Hello, I'm not sure if this has been addressed yet but i cant find it anywhere on the net so here it goes.k

I want to edit the movement speed and jumping dynamics in Sauer. I cant seem to find any documentation covering these aspects of modding the game.

Any point into the right direction would be nice.

thanks in advance.

Minifig3D | 2010-01-12 15:20
Blood Frontier Paintball Mode?
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 (1 vote)

I recently downloaded the game Blood Frontier after reading that it has a paintball mode.
However, I can not find how to enable the paintball mutator. Is this option even in the beta?

what program do ppl use to make mapmodles, monsters, and weapons?

Djakk | 2010-01-05 22:20
New Textures
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 (1 vote)

Im going to start a tropical island based CTF/Capture/FFA map and im going to be creating my own textures to help myself out, but i have no idea what size they need to be. Say size 3, for example, would be what size in terms of 64x64 128x128... etc.? thanks in advance for any help i can get.

Kretren | 2010-01-01 17:36
moving textures along the pixel parameter
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 (7 votes)

Yes, I have more problems. We already knew that.

Today's problem: I'm working with textures that are shifted along the x/y axis.

Here's an example of some of it that works:

setshader bumpspecmapworld
setshaderparam "specscale" 4 4 4

texture 0 "philipk/pk01_pan_wall02a1_d.jpg" 1
texture n "philipk/pk01_pan_wall02a_local.jpg" 1
texture s "philipk/pk01_pan_wall02a_s.jpg" 1

texture 0 "philipk/pk01_pan_wall02a1_d.jpg" 1 64
texture n "philipk/pk01_pan_wall02a_local.jpg" 1 64
texture s "philipk/pk01_pan_wall02a_s.jpg" 1 64

Here, the 256x128 texture was flipped to be 128x256, and then shifted 64 pixels on the x-axis.

So in theory, I know what I'm doing. However, I screwed up here, inexplicably:

setshader bumpspecmapparallaxglowworld
setshaderparam "specscale" 4 4 4

texture 0 lunaran/light_fifty1_d.jpg 0 0 64
texture n lunaran/light_fifty1_local.jpg 0 0 64
texture s lunaran/light_fifty1_s.jpg 0 0 64
texture g lunaran/light_fifty1_g.jpg 0 0 64
texture z lunaran/light_fifty1_h.jpg 0 0 64

This is a 64x128 texture that was NOT flipped, and is therefore shifted on the y-axis.

Any thoughts?

Kretren | 2009-12-30 22:10
Making mapmodels transparent
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 (2 votes)

How would I go about making certain mapmodels transparent, so that you can fall through them? Materials (noclip) don't work, nor does md3noclip.

The specific example is the mapmodel vegetation/tree09. I want the trunk part to become transparent, so I typed md3noclip bark 1, thinking this would have the same effect as it did to leaves.

I have no knowledge of mapmodels either, so that's all I thought to do. Any thoughts?

Djakk | 2009-12-20 04:07

Im somewhat new to SB and im trying to figure things out still. First of all, does anyone know where i can find other hudguns or characters to use in SB? or if anything, does anyone know how to create them so i can do it myself? Second, can someone help me with how to use the blendmap? I cant quite figure it out...

RaZgRiZ | 2009-12-12 23:13

I've noticed the profile picture feature, but it seems like it won't accept pictures..
I tried uploading a picture of size 128x128 with 60kb size and with an alpha channel, but with no luck. actually it seems like i'm not able to upload a pic at all, so i'm here asking: is this feature used at all, or is just another forgotten thing from times past here on this site?

Kretren | 2009-12-12 21:56
Game engine is weird with Nvidia
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 (8 votes)

I have two problems. Hopefully this one post can sufficiently cover both.

The first is that when I have shaders enabled on Sauerbraten, it will on occasion crash out of the blue. I can immediately re-open the game and it will run perfectly fine. As indicated, I am using an Nvidia graphics card. For that matter by the way, what is that notice I get every time I open Sauer and it says it is using the Nvidia texgen bug workaround? These are all linked, aren't they...

The other problem I have is on the map I am editing right now, from certain vantagepoints some areas will go completely invisible. The blocks aren't deleted; in one area the water disappears but I can still 'swim' in midair. And if I come closer to the area it will usually come back into view. I tried deleting and re-doing the area, to no avail. I tried recalcing geometry, again with no results. Any suggestions? I recall this was an issue for me when I worked on core_transfer and now the officially released game doesn't have any problems. But on the update I'm working on, the problem is apparent once more.

Oh, and first post ever on the forums. :)

*after Quin of course.

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