DeathStarPC | 2010-03-04 23:30
Hosting a Server - The Basics
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As we all know, Sauerbraten enables users to host servers. This is a quick forum post to teach you the basics of hosting one.


Sauerbraten comes complete with the bat (windows), and launcher (mac), you won't have to download anything if you want a server. However, if you want a fancy server, you'll need to use a server mod. The list below are just some of the mods:



First off, you'll need to forward 2 ports to you hosting computers IP address, normally you can type your IP address into your web browser, this should bring you to router setup, once there find "Port Forwarding" then forward two ports: "28785" and "28786". The ports should be forwarded using TCP & UPD.

Once Sauerbraten is installed, right click it and select "show file location". You should see a file labeled "server-init", open it. Your whole server is configured here, you'll need to read the directions included in the file to finish the configuration. Once your done with configuration find the file labeled "server" its a bat file. Open that. If the Command Prompt window says "Master Server Registration failed: failed pinging server" then you've done something wrong, the server will be up but it won't be visible to anyone else that is not connected to your router. If it says "Master server registration succeeded" then your good! Keep that window open because the server will go down without it.

Mac OSX:

You'll need to forward 2 ports to you hosting computers IP address, normally you can type your IP address into your web browser, this should bring you to router setup, once there find "Port Forwarding" then forward two ports: "28785" and "28786". The ports should be forwarded using TCP & UPD.

Now, download the attached "server-init.cfg" file, unzip it and copy it to your desktop. Open sauerbraten, the "Sauerbraten Launcher" window should come up, in the launcher on the main tab you'll notice text that says "User Game Files" and right next to it there's a "Show..." button, click it. Now that your in this file you can put server-init.cfg there. Open server.init.cfg and follow the instructions included in the file to complete your servers configuration. Now your ready to start your server! Open sauerbraten again and click on "Server" from the launcher window, leave the fields that say "Description" and password and the rest blank. Click "Start". If the mini-terminal says "Master Server Registration failed: failed pinging server" then you've done something wrong, the problem usually has to do with port forwarding, the server will be up but it won't be visible to anyone else that is not connected to your router. If it says "Master server registration succeeded" then your good! Keep that window open because the server will go down without it.

Feel free to post any comments with questions, ill be happy to answer them.

Featured Comments:

Sub Zero | 2010-06-30 23:23
a few things i learned, i would run my server.bat with commands in them because the commands work just the same either in the server-init or in the server.bat (commands are: -d1 -c18 -g2 -p*** -n"namehere") (to explain to people who might read this what these commands do: -d1 (dedicating a server with var 1 for ingame server hosting) (-c amount of clients allowed at var 18) (-g2 amount of bots allowed ingame if not admin of server at var 2 bots) (-p password for admins) (-n for servers name)

Windecker | 2010-06-30 15:24
Just incase: If your one windows and you don't know your local IP, you can find it by opening the command prompt and typing ipconfig and hitting enter.
You should see something like this:

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : ***.***.***

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :

Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : ***.***.***.***

Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : ***.***.***.***

The local IP is the one labeled IP address.

skiing_penguins | 2010-06-30 13:35
for the ip forwarding part, put the local ip of the machine the server is on. for me it would be "" NOT YOUR EXTERNAL IP.

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server-init.cfg_.zip1.11 KB
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