cube's site is down again :(
ok simplish:
basically clientmode (aka when your in mp mode on a server) runs just like sp mode, save these rules:
all map commands (/map mapname) are subject to rejection by the server(aka the sever can say hell no), also some server have there own way to call and suggest maps to the sever (the best way to see these is by reading the sever messages at the start and end and that are sometimes given periodically through out the match)
ON NON AUTHOR MODES, you are able to become master if the sever mode is open and there is not a current master(masters have green names instead of white ones). To become master simple type setmaster sometext. The sometext is the password in auth mode but if you are in any other mode it ignores the password but you must type in something here otherwise it ignores the command.
AUTH: REQUIRES YOU TO KNOW A PASSWORD BEFORE BECOMING A MASTER/AUTHOR (aka if it aint your sever then use the above rules for map voting), if you are an AUTHOR then it works just like open mode.
VETO: this allows you to call map at any point through out the match the map with the most votes (more then 1/2 of the people) is switched to right away. If not then the map never changes.
LOCK This automatically set all new users to spectator, until the master unspecs them do command(spectator 0 cn (clientnumber)), to spec someone do command (spectator 1 cn). All users that were on the map previous to the change of the serve mode changed are unchanged. This allows the master to change the map at any time. This does not allow any other users to change the map, save a newmap call, if the mode is coop and they are not speced.
OPEN: this all users have to vote for a map for it to be changed, then it is changed immediately. The master can spec anyone at any time, if there is no master you may become a master.
The same rules apply for changing a mode first set the mode then declare a map, once you declare a map the mode is attached to it. All other rules apply.