KI113R | 2010-06-23 21:33
Alloy - v1.5 (Update)
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 (11 votes)
Futuristic settlement, abandoned and outdated.

-- Update 10/01/16 --
Corrected geometry
Added game play mechanics including a focus on fast paced CTF
Fixed/added more lights
Defined bases more
Opened spaces
More jumppads
More clipping

Been working on this here and there with a few other maps. Still has some design inconsistencies that need to be fixed. Like some of the buildings are built differently from the old style. If it feels cramped, just give it time. I promise you will figure out all the routes and be able to time things perfectly and feel like a boss. This map is supposed to be hard. It always has been. Its meant for the pro shooters. Recently I have put some focus on adding CTF to the map. I know its small. REALLY small. But I think because of how the map flow is it would make for some really fun fast paced CTF. Thanks for looking!

-- Update 07/11/15 --
Added geometry
Added game play mechanics
Fixed more lights
Defined bases
Opened spaces
Still working on CFG and custom textures.

-- Update 1.5 --
New lights.
Custom textures.
Improved geometry and flow.

This update is several years old. Most was completed immediatly after the original release. After that it was fiddled with on and off. No player starts, no weapons, unplayable and unfinished. But, I wanted to show you the direction redon and I were headed and receive some feedback so I can finally finish my favorite project.

-- Update 1.4 --
- new sounds
-- Update 1.3 --
- new skybox (nightball)
- new skylights, still night/dawn theme
- new jumppads
- new particles
- some geometry fixed

-- Update 1.2 --
- a lot of texture/geometry/lighting errors fixed
- more lights
- various details added
- brightened map (should be playable)
- added fogdome & clouds

-- Update 1.1 --
- made the map brighter

Oh, where do I start?
The layout which was started by Redon is VERY old. I wanted to make a map so he came to me and said "No textures fit this map" so I downloaded TRaK5 textures and went to work on the map all the while adding bits of geometry that looked good while still keeping the flow of the map. After it was generally textured we moved it over to SVN and went to work on the more experimental parts of the map, like the waterfall. Penguins came onto the team to help with the waterfall, lighting, more textures, waypoints and some geometry which was a huge help. After a long time working on this map it is finally tweaked to near perfection. Hope you enjoy the map as much as we did making it!

Requires the TRaK5 texture set.

Contributors: Redon, KI113R, SkiingPenguins, Razgriz, viruz, & Suicizer (4.48 MB)
 (11 votes)
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