Garak | 2009-07-02 06:24
Palace Gardens
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 (17 votes)
Starred Content
A map for CTF or other game modes. (Version 3)
Palace Gardens (2.07 MB)
Nieb | 2009-12-10 00:01
Pad of Justice
points ]
 (35 votes)
This content is now included in the official release of the game, so you do not need to download it if you already have the latest release. The content stored here may not reflect the copy the game uses.
Starred Content
A new DM map by Nieb & Geartrooper.
Pad of Justice (22 bytes)
KaZ | 2010-03-30 12:49
Dune v1.3 04/14/10
points ]
 (11 votes)
This content is now included in the official release of the game, so you do not need to download it if you already have the latest release. The content stored here may not reflect the copy the game uses.
Starred Content
Dune, a tricky DM-map
Dune v1.3 04/14/10 (2.35 MB)
D_wicked | 2009-08-21 12:32
Starred Content
Graphical enhancement for various texture packages, it now includes normals, specular, glow and height maps.
Graphical enhancement for various texture packages V1.9a (6.24 MB)
mIscreant | 2010-02-25 07:54
points ]
 (6 votes)
This content is now included in the official release of the game, so you do not need to download it if you already have the latest release. The content stored here may not reflect the copy the game uses.
Starred Content
A new CTF map. *updated 3/8/10*
Mercury (3.61 MB)
D_wicked | 2010-03-20 19:08
Stone - Updated
points ]
 (8 votes)
Starred Content
A stoney map made for bloodfrontier
Stone - Updated (2.76 MB)
Windecker | 2010-03-10 22:39
Proper Criticism.
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 (7 votes)
Starred Content

Most of these are from a wikihow page, with some modifications and clarifications- Just thought I would point that out there before somebody else noticed and started screaming "PHONY!"

"Criticism is to improve oneself and ones life, but not to insult or disgrace someone."
We use criticism as a system of finding and correcting possible faults to achieve a better end result.
If done properly, criticism is a good way to help us all improve our work by getting bits of feedback from other people, and their thoughts to help better the product.

If criticism is not done properly, for example: by one who is not a mature, diplomatic person, it may backfire. Backfired criticism leads to what may appear to be personal attacks or vastly opinionated arguments.

1: Make sure you have a good understanding of what your criticizing before you do such. Put yourself in their shoes, see things how they might see them. Think how you would like to be treated if this was your own content and other people were criticizing it.

2: Criticism should address any unclear areas and end with ways to fix them or improve them. Saying "The stairs suck," Is not criticism, it's an opinion. Instead say, "You get hung up on the stairs, this could be fixed by clipping each step."

3: Address the good things along side the bad. Do your best to refrain from making the person who's work you are criticizing feel like crap. For an example "The stairs need a lot of work, though the architecture supporting the ceiling is quite well done." This complements the work but also shows where a problem lies.

4: Do not criticize the Person for their work, criticize the work.
One great mistake is to point out the errors of the person and not their work, refrain from insulting people or putting them down because you dislike their content.

5: Don't use the word "You," as it can make what your saying seem like a personal attack, even if your not intending it to. Odds are the person will reply defensively. This is a common thing that is prone to start arguments, like that of which occurred in a node here not long ago.
As an example "You made a large error on the wall that causes players to get stuck," This could be changed to "There is an error in the one wall that causes players to get stuck." Some people will put emphasis on the "You" when they read it which sometimes make it seem more like an accusation.

6: Check over what you've said before you post it. Improper wording can lead to people interpreting what your saying as something different entirely. We don't have tone of voice in text, and if you word something improperly then someone may see it as an insult.
Imagine somebody saying "Great work!" First imagine it in a rewarding, kind tone, then in a sarcastic tone. The difference is made by the text leading up to the words, where as in real conversation the difference is shown in the way we say the words.

7: I can't put enough emphasis on this, but check your spelling and grammar! This goes hand in hand with the previous point, and a criticism that nobody can understand is of little use to anybody. If your horrible at english, or just typing in general, thats alright as long as you try your best. If all else fails then try an online app: for example
Once your done, read it over a time or two.

This post was read over three times and revised twice.

Kretren | 2009-12-15 03:53
Core Transfer - UPDATE
points ]
 (15 votes)
This content is now included in the official release of the game, so you do not need to download it if you already have the latest release. The content stored here may not reflect the copy the game uses.
Starred Content
A sci-fi colony in a mountain canyon
Core Transfer - UPDATE (2.47 MB)
Windecker | 2010-02-25 22:48
( My Own ) Forum Guidelines
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 (12 votes)
Starred Content

I'm no moderator or administrator, but I still think I should throw this out. This is to anybody new, or anybody who doesn't know already.

1) Use a descriptive title for your thread!
A title saying "Question" or "Please HAlp!" does not grant any relevant information as to the topic of the post, instead use something like: "HUD missing" or "Can't see menu."
Try to put the 'Subject' of your post in the 'Subject' box, ( go figure ) and save us all time. ;)

2) Don't Advertise. Advertisement is not the purpose of the forum or node comments. I'd only reckon it would be permitted if it had to do with a new cube game, maybe..
I've noticed it happen, though only in comments thus far.

3) Refrain from trolling. If somebody IS trolling, just ignore them.
If your wondering, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages, and they more often than not want you to start arguing with them.

4) Do not submit a post that requires the download of a file when not necessary. *looks to the criticism done in PDF *
Images can be added to posts, learn your HTML tags.
Glorious HTML Tag Help Page
If you must upload a file, make sure its in a format that everybody can use. Not all of use can open .doc or .docx

5) Refrain from double posting. There is an 'Edit' button, it is there for a reason, use it. Also avoid from hitting 'Submit' multiple times if its taking a while. Most people realize that when you hit the button three times that you usually end up making three identical posts.

5.5) Use the 'Reply' button if your speaking towards a specific person. It saves the trouble of going back and forth for the readers.

6) Do not post a problem or idea on somebody else's thread, if it is something of relevance then make a new thread. We will never find your great idea if its buried in the middle of two thousand comments.

7) Refrain from completely useless comments such as "lol" "Awesome" "Cool" "Junk"
Lots of us are guilty of doing such.

8) Keep your signature short. I haven't seen any insanely long ones yet but still, a signature that is four miles long is by no means acceptable.

9) Do not post files or links to files that are illegal. Ex. Warez, Cracks, key-gens, links to pirated software, etc, or information regarding how do acquire such. Common sense.

10) Do Not Violate Copyrights!
We all know it, most of us have seen it. Don't do it.

11) Try your best to help people as much or more than you yourself ask for help.

12) Keep private conversations private, not on the forum. Don't share private information on the forum as anybody can see it ( duhh ) or carry on unrelated conversations.

13) For the unlucky Thirteen, Refrain from ALL CAPS! Check your spelling, and one question mark, one period or one exclamation mark is plenty sufficient! If you can't spell, try a browser with spell check in it: Firefox, Google Chrome. ( there are more but I am not familiar with them )

t-chen | 2009-09-02 15:14
points ]
 (18 votes)
This content is now included in the official release of the game, so you do not need to download it if you already have the latest release. The content stored here may not reflect the copy the game uses.
Starred Content
... just another DM map...
Duel8 (889.47 KB)
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