TristamK | 2018-03-25 15:52
Project 1995 Race
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 (2 votes)
One of the best race maps that continue ISMC race series.

Map that inspired by the cancelled project that made in post-apocalyptic USSR style. This project was launched in 2013 and used as a base Cube 2 Sauerbraten. The project was inspired by “Picnic on the Roadside” by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky and also by game STALKER. The setting was chosen appropriately. Initially, only the single-player mode was planned, but with the change of engine to the Red Eclipse it was decided to do the multiplayer part (Deathmatch, CTF ect). Hundreds hours spent to make our maps look real. Most of stuff made by Gespent but i take part in creating some stuff too.

At the initial stage, the team is not big, but at the end it spread to a dozen people, including a composer and two screenwriters. One of the screenwriters even told that he want write book based on his text. But because of the poor management in all aspects of development, work on the project was discontinued. Only a few assets remained, while the models were lost.
In 2017 I started RSMC, union of people from Russia who like level design and editing in Cube 2 Sauerbraten and in this year Gespent made this map as tribute to the project.

Map that inspired by the cancelled project that made in post-apocalyptic USSR style. This project was launched in 2013 and used as a base Cube 2 Sauerbraten. The project was inspired by “Picnic on the Roadside” by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky and also by game STALKER. The setting was chosen appropriately. Initially, only the single-player mode was planned, but with the change of engine to the Red Eclipse it was decided to do the multiplayer part (Deathmatch, CTF ect). Hundreds hours spent to make our maps look real. Most of stuff made by Gespent but i take part in creating some stuff too.

At the initial stage, the team is not big, but at the end it spread to a dozen people, including a composer and two screenwriters. One of the screenwriters even told that he want write book based on his text. But because of the poor management in all aspects of development, work on the project was discontinued. Only a few assets remained, while the models were lost.
In 2017 I started RSMC, union of people from Russia who like level design and editing in Cube 2 Sauerbraten and in this year Gespent made this map as tribute to the project.


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