Megalodon | 2007-02-02 16:14
illusion by Megalodon
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 (1 vote)
A map, where the walls are like the background, a perfect illusion, very strange!
illusion by Megalodon (1.79 KB)
Pxtl | 2007-01-22 21:03

Maps that used to be listed as "Multiplayer" are now listed as "Deathmatch". This is a minor but overdue change which provides useful detail to the map-type list. I've added "Capture" and "CTF" types... I mulled it over in my mind, and every other solution involved adding a laundry-list of taxonomy names (which would all appear at the top of every node they applied to)... so instead, I focussed on compatibility, as I did at the beginning.

If you've uploaded any maps as "multiplayer" for which the designation "CTF" or "Capture" would be more appropriate than their new designation "Deathmatch", it would be appreciated if you'd go and change that (where CTF is ActionCube's CTF mode, and Capture is Sauer's Dom-style Capture mode).

edit: also, because of Digital Spaghetti's nice "Cheatsheet", I've added a (very small) space for uploading data as part of stories and guides.

edit2: I've set up a new, better Search page!

edit3: Attention ActionCube mappers: If your AC map works in all AC multiplayer modes, please tag it as both Deathmatch and CTF.

read more for further discussion of these decisions.

RatBoy | 2007-01-03 21:11
Medium sized, industry themed map for ActionCube.
Filthy RatTrap v1.3 by Pablo "RatBoy" Ciamarra
Filthy RatTrap (1.19 MB)
makkE | 2005-03-16 17:32

I just want to share some knowledge and give some tips on mapping. This is for novice mappers as well as for people that are already familiar with Cube editing. For learning the basics of how to edit maps, refer to the readme.html.
Some opinions on certain topics might be influenced by my personal taste and views. I don´t claim this were the ways to do it, but it´s the way I do it and what I find important.

Since I have never made a singleplayer map (I like multiplayer better) I can only talk about making multiplayer maps here.
I will divide this into sections, which are

1. Layout/Performance
2. Gameplay
3. Design (detail, mapmodels, light and stuff)

1. Layout/Performance

Starting a new map, it is always good to have some basic concept or idea in mind.
Sometimes I will just start mapping and develop ideas as I go, but often I have an idea, and I will take a piece of paper and get it down first. (sometimes stanze aka lahme, my beloved girlfriend came up with sketches too ;)

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