Alright then. Lets get to the constructive criticism then shall we people?
xweert, I like how you have attempted to make this map professional in most aspects. For example you did clip perimeter of the map, and you spaced most of the weapon and health spawns out from each other. You also created rooms inside some the buildings even if they are inaccessible to add to the "realistic" feel of the buildings. I also like how you are trying to use more features of the engine by adding material like lava, particles like "splashes" next to the wall, and the tree and light fixture map models.
Now, here's the constructive criticism and I will try to be nice but it never feels good to hear some of your work is bad. I definitely know the what this feels like :p just keep and open mind and accept it. You have great potential, provided you improve some of the following points:
while you did clip the map your clip "job" needs a lot of improvement. For example while most parts of the map are covered you left an open hole in the clip that is low enough for players to rocket or grenade jump out of if they have the quad damage. Also, your clip wall is too low to the ground, so players will be aware of it even when they cannot see it. Try to think of clip as a massive box on all sides that keeps players in the area where they are supposed to play without them knowing it. Check out maps like Complex (on the default maps list in-game, or just type "/map complex") to see how the clip is used.
You've probably heard that maps should have a theme, or at least a matching set of textures. You do use most textures well, but the combination of doom (metal) textures and environments with a quiet, old style town clash with each other. It may make perfect sense to you, in which case keep the map to yourself. But a map that you release on here is meant to make sense to other players who play in it. Don't hear me wrong, mixing texture sets can be done in an appealing way, but it takes great skill and experience with what people like and dislike to make it attractive. As a new mapper I would recommend sticking with one texture set for each of your maps.
Game play and flow are something constantly stressed in maps, and I do appreciate that you try to partition out the map with walls and houses so that it is not just one big box. However, you have, for the most part only one level. there are no underground levels, no houses that can be entered and no stairs, jumppads, or ramps. I hope that makes sense. Try to create a dynamic environment where the player feels free to move in all three dimensions in the map. This helps hide the feeling (and fact) that the player is in a box. So try adding towers that players can enter and lower levels that are accessible and perhaps make many of the houses accessible. check out the map suburb. Its a great example of good "flow"
Included in the gameplay idea. you have a large room (the lava pillar room) with only one entrance and exit. try to avoid dead ends in you map where the only exit is the entrance. Of course for some things like houses it is inevitable but for the most part have at least two entrances to any area.
I hope this helps and is clear and not overwhelming. Please ask if something in there didn't make sense. I really do hope to see you release more maps, just start them with the above points in mind. those aren't all the points you can improve on but I think their fine as a start for now.
Your map does deserve a score for your work and currently i give it a 4/10. keep updating your map and I will update my score :)