RaZgRiZ | 2014-04-14 00:08
CMD Conditional
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 (1 vote)
It's back and it's better!
Suicizer | 2014-02-19 12:36
In this guide, the meaning and the best ways of flow within the layout of a map will be described. This guide is suitable for editors which use any game that runs on Cube Engine (2), but examples are applied on Sauerbraten.

What is flow?

In common terms, the flow of a map is describing how a map feels while navigating through it. Some cases which effect the flow are:

  • Gameplay
  • Layout
  • Atmosphere (texturing, lighting, detailing)
  • Clipping.
  • Flow explanation

    When a map has no flow, it means most of the times that it lacks some of the criteria which is listed in the next couple of aligns. Keep in mind that when you ignore some of the criteria, you may risk some serious flow issues on your map.

    neurocase | 2014-01-04 11:43
    points ]
     (3 votes)
    This content requires the Development Branch of the game it was designed for, which can only be obtained from the SVN repository. If you do not understand this, you should wait until the next release of the game to download this content.
    Edimmu, Satanic small deathmatch level.
    Edimmu.zip (34.74 MB)
    Suicizer | 2013-12-11 12:22
    In this guide, the meaning and the best position of gamemode entities will be described. This guide is suitable for editors which use any game that runs on Cube Engine (2), but examples are applied on Sauerbraten.

    What is a gamemode entity?

    In common terms, gamemode entities are entities which are required for only certain gamemodes. Certain of those entities are:

  • Base
  • Flag
  • Any other entities which affect the core gameplay are not considered as gamemode entities as the objective of the gamemode can be achieved without them or they can't be modified in the mapping process.

    Entity explanation

    The base entity only appears activated in the modes Capture, Regen Capture and Hold (plus it's variants).

    Suicizer | 2013-10-09 21:08

    As cubeengine.com has been DDOSed since Sunday 6th of October 2013 Saturday 18th of April 2014, the master server of Sauerbraten and Tesseract are both offline, as well as the website of Cube Engine (2).
    As there currently isn't any way for (new) players to report bugs or reveal their thoughts about Cube Engine (2), the forum of Quadropolis is temporary meant for such things as well (it actually always has been that, but rather served as a second try for players next to the forum of Sauerbraten).
    Connecting to public servers shouldn't be a problem, but new hosted servers probably won't work (as they won't be assigned).
    If you need any information about Cube Engine (2), your Sauerbraten directory should contain a folder called docs which has all pages of the website (except the forum of course).

    There is no specific date of when cubeengine.com will be back online again.

    Spread the word across the community.

    gear4 | 2012-12-13 11:55
    gear4's stats script
    points ]
     (1 vote)
    Stats script for the GameHUD console
    stats.zip (80.58 KB)
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