gear4 | 2012-12-13 11:55
gear4's stats script
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 (1 vote)
Stats script for the GameHUD console

gear4's GameHUD console in-game stats script

A small little stats script meant for your GameHUD console.

It shows your
 • Kills
 • Deaths
 • Accuracy
 • KpD (kills per death)

It also displays
 • Your name
 • Your CN
 • Your team
 • Time remaining

In spectator mode:
 • Who you're following
 • Their name
 • Their team
 • Their CN

It also allows you to add/remove options VIA the settings user interface (type "/showgui stats_settings" to open)


 • Some optimization/cleanups


 1 • Download the ZIP pack
 2 • Copy the contents of the folder included, into your main Sauerbraten directory
 3 • Add this into your autoexec:
    exec script.cfg
 4 • Start up Sauerbraten
 5 • Configure your installation of my script using: /showgui stats_settings
 6 • Enjoy the game

Small updates

Update #1
 • Removed unnecessary result
 • Detected team modes to show teams
 • Shows time remaining for the match
 • Display "Intermission" instead of time when game is over

Update #2
 • Check if is spectator to show frags, deaths, etc.
 • Added flag count for CTF modes

Update #3
 • Fixed intermission check
 • DpD now displays for all (most?) pickup modes

Update #4
 • Fixed flag display, now only displays in CTF modes.
 • Added "About" tab

Update #5
 • Disabled time display in co-op editing
 • Color spectator follow team, according to if is enemy or not

Major updates

Major update #1
 • Added DpD (Damage per Death), useful in Efficiency-based modes
 • Added "procf" command
 • Updated KpD

Major update #2
 • Fixed intermission check for SVN

Major update #3
 • Added settings GUI, no need to remove or add whatever you don't need!

Major update #4
 • Added setting to hide who you follow
 • Added setting to hide who teams
 • Now using format instead of concat (for kills/deaths and team display)
 • Added createineif (used for updating the script settings, from when you use an older version of the settings)

Major update #5
 • Added icons for the settings GUI (cross and tick)
 • Removed "on"/"off" text (replace by icon)

Major update #6
 • Added mode and map (SCRIPT EXCLUSIVE!)
 • Removed "on"/"off" text (replace by icon)

Major update #7
 • Fixed a problem where the menu toggled the wrong settings
 • Removed newline when "display team" in unchecked


 •Unspectated, insta CTF
 •Unspectated, efficiency CTF
 •Spectated, following


I give RaZgRiZ credit for his Damage per Death script (DpD), as well as his "procf" command he gave me, and a few more scripting guidelines. He also allowed me to use his icons (cross and tick) for the settings.
I also give srbs credit for the fixed time check, he told me how to do it correctly.
I'm not sure who made the createine, but I took it from Chaos's clanwar script ( ). Thanks to whoever made it.

procf = [substr $arg1 0 (+ (strstr $arg1 .) (+ $arg2 1))]
createine = [ if (=s (getalias $arg1) "") [ $arg1 = $arg2 ] ]
createineif = [ if $arg1 [ $arg2 = $arg3 ] ]
createine mapinprogress 0
createine mapstart [ mapinprogress = 1 ]
createine intermission [ mapinprogress = 0 ]

gamehud = [
  concatword "^f2" (getname) " " (
    concatword "^f5[" (getclientnum) "]^f6"
  ) (
    concatword (? (&& (at $settings 9) (m_teammode (getmode))) (concatword " (" (getteam) ")")) (
      ? (&& (at $settings 7) (> (getfollow) -1)) (
        format " ^f0|^f6 Following:^f1 %1 %2%3" (getclientname (getfollow)) (
          concatword "^f5[" (getfollow) "]^f6"
        ) (
          concatword (
            ? (&& (at $settings 9) (m_teammode (getmode))) (
              concatword " " (
                ? (=s (getclientteam (getfollow)) (getteam)) "^f1" "^f3"
              ) "(" (
                getclientteam (getfollow)
              ) ")^f6"
    ) (? (at $settings 8) ": " "^n")
  ) ( (80.58 KB)
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