After many years of being lazy with it, I got wind of the next sauer release being imminent and put in a lot of cram hours to finally finish this ginormous expansion and remastering of the original twinforts. Wow it's been a ton of work. So many parts of the map reworked, terrain was a pain, blendmapping too. Had to find models, sounds, textures, I went all out.
Kudos to the people who provided their thoughts feedback throughout the revisions and also helped at times by pointing out any mistakes I missed or assisted in "grassifying" the map when I got the new flora models in. You're the real MVPs. Those who helped with assets are mentioned in the licensing files!
The map is already included in part of the 2020 Edition. This package includes only high-resolution assets that are not present by default.
Fair warning that this map could well be unplayable for those with underpowered computers. If any maps in the game currently make you struggle to maintain 60 frames, I hope you enjoy slideshows. If you want maximum frames, disable glare and grass. You can use /grass 0 and /glare 0 to do so. In my case that practically doubled the fps.
The gallery can be found below. Click the images to load the full images in a new tab. Warning, they are large.