YAY publicity !!
I love this fire storm ive started, and i agree re r+r, tesseract, etc are not mods, and they are their source, or binaries (or links to either directly, meaning that links are to a website, not to the game directly) aren't on this web site. This is a good point, but sauerx is not made to be malicious, only to improve people's experience of the game. Getting fragged by a teammate right after spawning, is very annoying this just stops, the attacker from doing this. It doesn't stop it from happening at all. I think this spawns mostly from a counter-strike penalty based game mechanics which i do not believe is a goal of sauers quick quake-like gameplay and therefore is not an issue.
What i have done is i am adding 2 new features to the next patch of sauerx:
first feature is the already instituted anti teamkill service, but you will be allowed to turn this off (using a command tk 0..1..1)
second feature will be a team kill prevent feature (that is more useful in just insta modes) this will stop you from shooting if a teammate is in the direct line of fire (basically if the teammate crosshair is being displayed), this will prevent you from accidentally shooting your teammate in insta, and with pistols and rifles, this will be turned on and off using the (tkray 0..0..1).
Allowing these features will allow you to simply write code to turn on and off by any means you wish. I will also be adding improved shaders to the next release. Which i am still working on polishing out.
hope this resolves this rant
I voted yes: if the game-mod is not made to be malicious, or give a specific player an advantage, or an ability that makes the game play un-fun for the rest of the players of the game. Basically if everyone can have an equal or a greater amount of fun, the mod is ok.