The script is meant to process (convert, scale...) and rename screenshots according to their timestamp (e.g.: 2010-01-23_16:56:00.jpg).
What is the reason:
I am still missing this function in Sauerbraten. The screenshots are named after the time (in ms) the client was running until the screenshot has been taken - that is totally useless for me. There is no support for the JPG-fileformat either. That causes file sizes around 5mb on my configuration which is way too much.
I would have been happy if someone gave me this script - maybe some of you can use it as well ;)
What does it do:
It checks your screenshots-directory for pictures of a specific filetype which you can define. It renames them according to their "last-time-modified"-timestamp, moves the converted files to a specific directory and backs the original files up (if you want).
The original files can be deleted as well. You just have to uncomment a line and delete another at the end of a script.
On a Debian-like systems (e.g.: Ubuntu) you will need to get the package "imagemagick" which contains an application called "convert".
Get it with "sudo apt-get install imagemagick".
Open the script with a text editor and fill in your directory-paths and the filetype of your screenshots.
Make it executable with "chmod +x /scriptpath/scriptname"
Execute it and you are done!
I'm not experienced in writing scripts, but I tried to make it as useful as I can. It is well commented so that an unexperienced user can also understand what happens where. I'm always happy about feedback; tell me if you see parts which can be optimized!
Have fun using it! ;)
EDIT: Fixed a mistake concerning multiple files of a type...