but "Content" should be renamed to "Maps", as all submissions are content.
No it should not. It once was called maps in the past (there still are certain "foot-prints" of that, in the User's Guide for example), but people which submit custom textures, models, skyboxes, sounds, music, etc have no specific place for their stuff to show off. That's why all things which aren't code-based (neither script-based) meant to be posted in the content section. There is an exception on that which is a MOD that's not code-based, then it's still a mod of course =P.
Sidenote: In my opinion, getting redirected to a page that contains only three links is inefficient and silly.
Be patient please. It takes a lot more than just an hour to learn how Quadropolis actually works. The idea is to get the same look as the Forums header.