Another time-trial map for RE.
It's also a port of DPM-AirTortures, originally made by Masta for UT2004.
Of cource, map size and look is not as original, but it fits RE-gameplay.
Map Updated.
v 1.8
moved 3 "lava containers" in second room a bit highner.
v 2.0
removed 3 "lava containers" in second room, cos it lets to run the map in faster way.
v 2.5
Added one big "lava container" to the second room. Now you can't run the map faster, than it must be.
Added some decorations to first and second room.
Added "lava fall" to the "finish room".
Improved pusher's power in the first room.
Added two checkpoints to the second room.
v 3.0
Increased rooms height.
Added some decorations.
Version 3 is final.