You could also notify him on this tutorial for making an .obj-file in Sauerbraten...
Besides, you don't have to make a model, it depends on the purpose of it. If it will be static anyways, just make some of raw basic geometry.
If you would like to add animations, make it spin, rotate on it's pitch (or yaw), etc, then I would suggest to make an .obj-file and convert it to .md3 (or .md5), if you want to add more than 1 texture to it.
By the way, MisfitModel3D isn't a bad program to convert .obj-files to .md3 files (and assigning groups, manipulate vertexes, etc).
I would suggest you to make those things out of raw basic geometry, import a model from one of the modelpacks on quadropolis or on the websites Chasester commented about.