Kerberos | 2011-08-27 04:13
Advanced Editing Script
Adds a new GUI whenever F7 is pressed that has many options for coop editing feautres

Something I made for newbies to Sauerbraten, or people who don't like using the command line.

This creates a menu when F7 is pressed (Or whatever key you bind it to) with three tabs: Materials, Jump Pads, Teleporters and Water Settings.

First tab has all materials, just press the button for what you want.

Second tab has Jump Pads and sliders for the z, x and y values.

Third tab has sliders for teleporters and teleporter destinations, by default the max is 10, can be changed to whatever you want.

Fourth tab has water settings, which are water color, water fall color, water fog and water Specularity.

To install, put the .cfg file into the sauerbraten directory, and add a line that says "exec aegui.cfg" without the quotes to your autoexec.cfg file (Also in the main sauerbraten directory).

// Binds key to the GUI
bind "F7" "showgui Materials"
//Creats a new GUI named Materials
newgui "Materials" [
guititle "Edit GUI v1.0 By Aryl" //Title of the GUI, Aryl is my in-game name.
guibutton "Air" "air" //Adds a button to the GUI named Air, and inputs command air when pressed
guibutton "Water" "water"
guibutton "Lava" "lava"
guibutton "Glass" "glass"
guibutton "Clip" "clip"
guibutton "Noclip" "noclip"
guibutton "Gameclip" "gameclip"
guibutton "Death" "death"
guitab "Jump Pads" //Adds a new tab to the GUI called Jump Pads
guibutton "Jump Pad" "newent jumppad $z $y $x" //Adds a button called Jump Pad, when pressed inputs command newent jumppad with the values of $z, $x and $y
guislider z 0 100; //Adds a slider to the GUI, min value is 0, max value is 100, the value is saved as $z
guislider y -50 50; //Adds a slider to the GUI, min value of -50 max of 50, value is saved as $y
guislider x -50 50;
guitab "Teleporters" //Adds a new tab to the GUI named Teleporters
guibutton "Teleporter" "newent teleport $teleport" //Adds a button called Teleporter, when pressed inputs command newent teleport with the value of $teleport
guislider teleport 0 10; //Adds a slider to the GUI, min of 0, max of 10, saves value as $teleporter
guibar //Adds a horizontal bar to the GUI, serves no function other than looks
guibutton "Teledest" "newent teledest $teledest"
guislider teledest 0 10
guitab "Water Settings"
guibutton "Water Color" "watercolour $red $green $blue" //Water color can be changed too, input command is a simple mixing of red, green, and blue with max values of 255. UK spelling of color (colour) is required.
guislider red 0 255;
guislider green 0 255;
guislider blue 0 255;
guibutton "Water Fall Color" "waterfallcolour $rred $ggreen $bblue" //Changes the color of flowing water. If water has any of its faces other than the top exposed, these colors with apply.
guislider rred 0 255;
guislider ggreen 0 255;
guislider bblue 0 255;
guibutton "Water Fog" "waterfog $fogg" //Changes how foggy the water is. If the value of the slider was stored as $fog, the fog would instantly change upon changing the slider, but creates spamming of the consol as it sends a new message to all players every time fog is changed, also creats lag.
guislider fogg 0 150;
guibutton "Water Specularity" "waterspec $specularity" //Not really sure what water specularity is, seems to make no visual changes, I think it changes how light interacts with water. Default value is 150.
guislider specularity 0 150;

aegui.cfg (2.71 KB)
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