It looks like that if you want something from Quadropolis and it is not here and is not in dev, you might as well make or mod it yourself. Life has taught me that. This because the same time you sit and wait for someone to make what you want, you could have learned and begun working on what you want the way you want. Who knows, by the time your are done or just starting the help or answer comes from else where. If not, then you made it yourself and can do more for yourself and others. This place is for doers and the like.
I do not like to wait on others. I ask for the help after I started and almost finished. sometimes after I finish just to see if anyone will help and as a check to see who knows what they are talking about.
You know how much help I have had from the year 1998 on cube thru now? None at all. I come here only in the past 2 years to speed my learning curve. The more you learn to do in the code and in game, the better you will be.