Quin | 2009-12-12 18:46
New ratings, and how it works
points ]
 (14 votes)

G'day Quadropolites, recently you may have noticed some changes to the way the rating system works, and now that I have it refined to Nieb's tastes I'm here to tell you what's up, and how it all is supposed to work; but before you comment, please understand that while the new system is open to refinement, it won't be removed or changed back.

Points instead of stars..

  • This is the biggest thing that you might notice. You can now vote any amount between 1 and 10. If you really like a node, rate it 10/10, and if you don't like it, simply don't rate it. This should hopefully fall in line with your own methods of giving feedback on content.

Something is better than nothing..

  • Using points means that no matter how you rate a node, its score will increase. High profile nodes are more likely to benefit from this than regular nodes. By switching to a points system, the only way to vote badly is to not vote at all, otherwise any amount of points you give will go toward the node's score.

Sticks and stones may break my bones..

  • It was felt that the old system was too biased toward people being able to "rate down" a node for various (what I would call pathetic) reasons, some of which included pure spite or hatred toward another community member. While we were able to moderate node comments, it was difficult for us to justify tampering with user votes, so this does the job for us.

Automatic conversions..

  • The points are just double what you already voted in stars (* = 2 pts, ** = 4 pts, .. ***** = 10 pts) and the new system converts these old values for you. Those of you who voted poorly on a node to bring down its rating may wish to consider canceling their vote.

So, while it may take a little adjustment, and there's far more gray area in what constitutes a "good rating"; we're hoping you'll like the new system better than the last and feel more inclined to give your two cents by rating a node. Don't be shy, you're just a click away..

 (14 votes)
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