Nice :)
Sounds that rock:
Ammo Pickup, Land, Shotgun (nice boom, the old sound never really matched it´s strengh),
Teleport, Jumppad (though it starts with a delay and has a nasty click at start and ending, but the sound itself fits well)
New chaingun sound is nice as well.
I like the health and armour sounds, though they are a little long and high pitched imho.
Also the weapon change sound is nice, but the two sounds could be comming faster after each other since it´s a fast event.
Monster wake up sound is fun :)
The pain sounds are okay, those are probably the hardest to do. I once gave it a try myself, with similar results. I still haven´t come across how they do them, making them sound low and mean, but still human.
I don´t really like the jump sound.
But that´s all just personal opinion, I´m sure people will like it. I´d like to see some of them becomming official. Good work!
By the way, extracting the package to cube/packages/ works fine for me.
Nieb or Pxtl: I think this should be moved to the mods section.