I didn't expect the first one to be included in the game but i was excited when i found out. Since then i have played it online extensively and realized that it had many flaws. So, i come here today with NeonFrenzy! The 1 on 1 instagib sequel with better gameplay (hopefully) than the original. Tell me what you think...
EDIT: This is the final version of this map! If the ZIP doesnt show up then visit my website (http://www.freewebs.com/fergusonproductions) and download the individual files. For a screenshot visit halleck.tumblr.com
EDIT 2: The files didn't upload... See above post.
ADMIN: fixed
EDIT: I deleted the "skycubes" and did some minor lighting changes and fixed some weird textures... I also made the skybox more mild for anyone who gets motion sickness. If you already have the map and aren't satisfied with the skybox, you can change it yourself. Just open the cfg with a text editor and change the value from -5 to whatever you want.
EDIT: THIS IS THE ONE AND ONLY ABSOLUTE LAST VERSION OF THIS MAP! All i did in this update was make the mapsize smaller.
EDIT: Fixed mapmsg