Hirato | 2007-09-05 09:08
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A fast paced space floater map. By Hirato Kirata

While I was scavenging through some of nexuiz' files, I happened to run across a song that just made me want to build a space floater.
Basing it heavily on the Evilspace map from there, the map is littered with powerups, jumppads and strangely enough, suitable textures (I'm surprised they were there myself).
The skybox and the background music (the one that made me want to build it in the first place) wasn't created or composed by me, I wrote small readmes saying exactly where I found them, and their license. To accommodate the illusion of the modern space farer, there's even a nearby sun to bask the station in some of its glory.
Buildtime; 4 days, including the time I showered, slept, went to school, or just showing off and getting some constructive criticism.

note, the website, being hosted on my own computer isn't always up. I need to sleep. The bandwidth is also limited (384 KBit/s upload is). If the site is down, do go to hirato.servegame.org instead. (there's much more bandwidth and uptime, but it may be outdated). While I suspect the map will be uploaded to the quadropolis servers, there's probably nothing to worry about.

Update 1; possibly long awaited,

  • A few texture inconsistencies were corrected
  • the jumppads are more effective, there are two more arches on the top platform
  • over 500 more lights were placed, despite most of them having hardly any effect on the map at all
  • all the beams/ arches have lights on their side too look more high tech, though I'm not sure that was a good move so to speak

Update 2
There were only cosmetic changes, by default the lights will flicker, I provided an alternative config in which is doesn't.
The lights on the beams/railings are now coloured yellow to match the light entities
The arches at the top are now slightly slanted
The zip's structure was also checked, in case anyone wants to complain again =-p

All that's left to do now is to minimise the entries in the config, ask the devs to add some Newtonian physics so a part of one's movement speed gets added to the projectiles (having the grenades explode in your face when you jump across in this map isn't pleasant), and mark this as finished

The music was composed by 70mm13, and distributed under the GNU GPL

not that there's anything to worry about, but my stuff are also under the GNU GPL ;)

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