"One of the garage doors I can't get through, it looks like you could get through but I think it won't let you just for one line of blocks, and because the game doesn't have a crouch button. And many doors are really narrow." From RatBoy
The lowered door u can not get past in the ac_warehouse map this map is for CTF, and such, the map ac_warehouse-ffa is for ffa and team matches in that one you can get past the doors it is made like that because of the placement of the flags.
And as for the narrow door ways, i will fix that soon, also the entity placment, of the armour and amkibo, i will get the one that are near the base deleted, the once in the fence area i will keep, though,
Also in the sniper area, do u think i should place an ammo entity, of not, I think it my make it a sniper fort, i don't want that, also what do you guys think about all the boxs in the main area where the cranes are.
"But the map is nice and you should keep making stuff like it, hope to see you around again."
I am currently working on 2 more maps, one is based in a forest, it will hopefully be better the Warehouse, also I am making a map the is a Shooting Range. This will have steady targets, that will make a noise when your bullet hits it, it will also have moving targets, and targets that are sort of hidden. This map will be designed to help you in you accuracy in every area, with every weapon including the grenades, except the knife. Don't expect the Shooting Range map to come out to soon, this will take a while unless anyone would like to help. Also the forest map i hoopt to have out by the end of August, maybe sooner.
Also I will work on the player starts they are just temporary.
Thanks again for all of your feedback.