Well the asteroids are a good idea and I see that your SP maps are getting better meatloaf but your map lacked ALOT of things.
1: most of the rooms needed noclip or clip to actually work without getting lost or stuck.
2: The flat asteroids with the bauuls were clipped! grrr, you couldn't shoot them and make them run off the edge.
4: The starting was done with good detail but your asteroids lacked tactics and stradegy. It would of been better to let the player choose which asteroid to jump on.
5: The map mainly consisted of jumping over asteroids etc. Why not clip the small sloped ones so the player dosent slide off?
6: In one spot the jumppad launched you away from where you wanted to go! was that intentional? It kocked you off the map...
Overall the idea was good yet the map failed to express the idea strongly. Textures were bland and finding the jumppads was hard.
I would love to give this map a good rating but it needs some work first. Try testing out your maps and finishing them before you put them up on Quadropolis.