-- Critique of Daemex inspired maps Shellshock and Kiryu.
I actually understand that people don't like complex maps, because public games show that simple maps are played the most. This map is complete opposite of Shellshock, there's no lava or deathpits, layout is simple, with only 1 mog (moment of glory) hole. Map is quite larger too, I'd say for 3v3 and 4v4 easily, its' layout is placed like Forge, and theme is Reissenic, but with less variability.
Whole zip is less than 4MB, but map is quite detailed for 60k WTR. I think flagruns on this map will be more enjoyable than frags, because most of the layout has 2-4-6 players' height blocks, so RI, RL and GL come into game a lot. Bases are easier to defend than on both Reissen and Forge, because they have 4 narrower enters.
I'll be bold and call this noobie map, with possible interesting flagruns.
Cheers :D