Dear fraggers,
this is my latest deathmatch map for 1-4 players, and probably last I'll made for Sauerbraten. It was originally just layout for upcoming open-source game Inexor, but I finished it and shared here mostly because w00p|lagout and [tBMC]Halbgar liked it.
Thanks ;)
No jumppads, 4 teleports (with distinct teledests), each leading to one of 4 major FFA items. There's blendmap here and heightmap there, but nothing special, I prefer hardsurf modeling. Map features only 6 health items, and 6 ammo items for chaingun, rifle and rocket launcher. Quake Champions' "Unholy Trinity" thing inspired this decision. Map has only around 25k WTR, and 1.1MiB, so it's quite light for it's details and size.
It's not hardcore FFA map, layout is simple and intuitive, and I believe map is fun to play on... :D
Cheers, 7Year.