Gangler | 2019-09-23 23:48
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small ctf map

This is my first map ever. "enigma" is a small ctf map for competitive games. The map is playtested and should work well.
I dont want to write much about enigma itself, I just hope you can enjoy the map. Also, I would be happy if you leave me a comment and give me some feedback.

More important for me is to thank everyone who helped me during the map devolpment. I worked more than 100 hours on this map and I improved very much in most aspects of editing because I got so many tips from so many players. And even more important than tips are people who are trying to help you in the field.
Thanks for helping me Redon, fatality, Nieb, fixxxer and shuzo! :)

Redon helped me from the beginning to the end. He started with teaching me bascis (from making a grid to post this post :D) and supported me all the time until now. He helped me a lot with texturing, clipping and lighting. Sry for all the questions and pms you got from me, Redon. I hope that I was not too annoying.
fatality helped me with the tunnel, the bottom, the big wall and many other things. Also, he always had some nice words left for me and the map to motivate me to finish this project.
Nieb designed all the windows and helped me with filling the holes in my map. Also he helped me with fixing minor things and Im very thankful for his work.
fixxxer had the idea with the hole in the wall and other details. He motivated me also with his well-known superfriendly personality and supported me always when he had the chance to look at my map.
Shuzo designed the four pillars in the middle of the map, he improved one floor and designed the part outside that you can see if you look out of a window.

Thank you very much guys.


Update - 30th September 2019
- I changed the size of the Thumbnail. The edges were cut off. Thanks rabe for the hint. :)

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