imo the flow is better than in most sauer maps, .. well.. actually it is a bit blocky, but that makes it a perfect duel map (more shoot than run).
Though if you really want to make the gameplay a bit faster youll probably have to reorder the main parts a bit (like jumppads, teleporters, gateways..) (e.g: lowering the jumppad skywalk to half the size giving an extra height level).
But yeah well, its already really catching the feel of a duel map this way.
Pretty solid work, just the textures are .. meh. i'd actually would love to see a complete remake of the textures. Than this map would really fit what people want. (Well maybe add some details and variety to the walls as well )
6/10 for now, 8/10 for a retextured version and 9/10 for more details :D
EDIT P.S: btw the license is also a bit 'annoying'. maybe you should think about making it libre (e.g. CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-SA 4.0)