It's almost doubtful that any of you know me or remember me.
If you do, then that is quite exciting for me!
I miss this game and all the guys I met through this.
Had my own stupid little click of people.
I've grown up so much since I originally started playing this back when only Cube 1 was around.
I would be on that for hours on end every single day.
Come back form school just to jump on and make maps with people and waste time.
I just want to shoutout to everyone, and tell anyone who I may have met way back when, that I miss you guys.
I'm going on 23 now, in the service (USN) and have changed almost too much.
If I had a reason to jump back into this scene of things, I'm sure as hell will - it's just a matter of finding some people to play with.
I'm sure all of my friends who I did meet are long all of my maps that I spent hours making.
It's truly quite depressing.
But there is always time to start again.
Cheers! Hope to play with you guys sometime :)