I made a floating island with a kind of church in it, two years ago, i still have the map and sometimes i edit it, its a nice idea, but its a hard thing to do, even to me, i just figured out some months ago how to make the terrain i wanted. First you need to learn how to make terrains, and then some of gothic, or anykind of architecture, if you dont know how to make those thing i mentioned you cant think to make a hard idea like that, to learn some buildings thing i recommend you to watch at the maps "cphills" and "vovitchurch", those maps are in quadropolis and you can download them directly, and the terrain, just look at "shipwreck" terrains and "tempest" (release maps) looking at it in editmode pressing 7 (outline) making and unmaking some parts of the architecture or terrain can be a very good exercise to learn something new.