Please note, that this zoomscript does NOT work with vanilla Sauerbraten! It works on these mods for sure:
- SuperSauer
- Fanatic Edition
- SDOS/Community Edition
This is because they have another way of zooming than normal sauer!
in the zip folder you have the zoomscript.cfg and howto for building it on normal sauerbraten
SHOULD you want to use it on vanilla sauer, please look at my howto.
If you have any wishes/questions/bugs, please tell me in the comments. I will try to update it ASAP if you suggest anything
// Config script newgui zoomsettings [ guicheckbox "wheelzoom " izoom guibar guitext "zooming in per scrolldot guislider qzoominstep 1 50 guibar guitext "zooming out per scrolldot " guislider qzoomoutstep 1 50 guibar guibutton "reset keys " [resetkeys; setupdone 0] guitab "general zoomsettings " guitext "zoom acceleration (recommended: 0) " guislider zoomaccel 0 1000 guibar guitext "zoomfov " guislider zoomfov 10 60 guibar guitext "zoomsensitivity " guislider zoomsens 1 15 guibar guitext "time of zooming in (recommended: 10)" guislider zoominvel 0 1000 guitext "time of zooming out (recommended: 10)" guislider zoomoutvel 0 1000 ] "zoomsettings "