I've come to realize I'm just not cut out for this map-making business. I'm all about instant gratification, so it frustrates me when I can't make the brilliant map idea I have become reality within minutes. I get bored, and say "I'll finish it later." But when later comes I find that I'm still bored with the project and just end up scraping it. I've started hundreds of projects only to give up after an hour or so of work on it. And what I've come to realize is that I'm just not very creative. I can come up with a broad idea in my head, but then all the details are left blank and I've got nothing to work with. So I do what any uncreative person does when they need an idea, look at other people's work for inspiration. Then I say "that was a bad idea, because now I REALLY feel inadequate about my creative ability." What avenue I have left is to take maps from other games that already exist and remake them in Sauerbraten. It's been done before, right? face-capture is still pretty popular for ctf and it comes from Ut-2004 (though even that version was a remake of the one from the first Unreal Tournament.) Anyway that's gotten me nowhere so far because this place is all crazy about licensing and I used textures that I wasn't supposed to and something something legal hooplah. I could go retexture the map with Sauer's regular textures but that sounds like a lot of work and it was hard enough to texture in the first place. So my give up, no more maps from me (probably.)