are you writing your config correctly
should be something like:
//in md5.cfg // or md4 or md3 or md2 just any were there is md5 replace with md#
md5load "meshname.md5mesh" // loads a
md5skin * "mydiffued.jpg" "mymask.jpg" // *= attach this to all tags on this model (not really important)
//skin and mask (determinds the spec and glow [spec (red channel)/glow (green channel)])
md5bump * "mybump.jpg" //normals
mdlscale 100 //make it a see able size, start super big then work down till its the perfect size :)
mdlyaw -90 //rotate the model back to where it should be
more info on this can be found here. Its pretty simple pick the type you want and follow the instructions. Commands with mdl infront can be used on any model ;) only md# and IQM can have animation (basically not obj).