waste of time:
-really if you were going for useful, you can do a heightmap command (h) and create cave much faster,
-if you were going for realistic, these things look very poorly done, they are very bumpy (where it appears they should be smooth) if your going for a bumpy surface uses a bump maped rock
-your lighting is trash:
heres a quick guide to help you:
- type /light (ra r b g) - this will create a new light with ra radius, r red color, b blue color, and g green color
- lights with no radius (0) are infinate lights this means that they dont stop at a given point rather light the entire map (like the sun)
- skylight (rgb) - this define what color the sunlight is on this map (every skybox can emit light, this controls the color of the light)
-skyboxcolour (rbg) - this defines the color of the sky box, default is 255 255 255, when changed it tints the color of the sky box (like 255 100 100 would tint the sky box red)
- fog (amount) - this defines the about of fog on the map
- fogcolour(rbg) - this defines the color of givin fog (0..255, 0..255, 0...255)
- when in edit mode and a givin light is selected use the scroll to change the radius of the light
- when in edit mode and a gigin light is selected use the f3 key to bring up the editent menu, you can change most of the properties of any ent in this menu, for a light you can change the rbg and radius
-select multiple ents by right clicking on them
-use entfind to find ents of the same time (ie entfind light would select all the lights, or entfind light 0 would select all the lights with 0 radius
this is a summary of the lighting portion of the editref - this is also located in (c:/programfiles /sauerbraten/docs/editref.html) (or were ever you have sauer installed)