In a far far universe, but not that far from ours... there was the Grotto Of A Thousand Cubes. With fiery flames, wettery waters and crickety cracks it was a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyy dangerous place to wander into o.O
The eldest had warned our young adventurer! BE WARE ND, the eldest sed! A THOUSAND WAYS TO DIE IN THE GROTTO OF THE THOUSAND CUUUUBEESSS the eldest sed! But did the young adventurer listen!?! xOOO With a <3 full of courage, a pillow, an apple and The Survival Guide For Young Adventurers (7-volume travellers edition) he wandered off to face his destiny.
What he was looking for? He did not know. What he would find? Love? Honor? A good hiding? No one never knew. Becuz, as it came to pass, weeks passed... And the weeks followed moths... and the moths followed the light, and it could have even been lightyears! the young adventurer was nowhere never to be seen, ever agen. ='((((
His wife, worried! His family, frustrated! His dog, unwalked for over a decade! Jumping from one foot to the other!!
What had happened? Was this meant to be?! Was anyone interested in his faith?? xOOO
Becuz, if you were, you better get your gear ready, young adventurer! Because this september, you are going to embark - hopefully - on an epic adventure of adventurous proportions!! The Quest Of Finding Out What Happened To The Young Adventurererrrr!!!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNNNNNN
Title: SPMC: goatc - Grotto Of A Thousand Cubes
Blurb: A participation of the Single Player Mapping Challenge
Game: Sauerbraten
Game Mode(s): sp, dmsp, ffa, teamplay, ctf, hold, protect, collect, insta-effic as team/ctf/hold/protect/collect, tac/team, capture, regencapture and coop
License: GNU GPL v2
PEGI: 13 xDD
love, meow! xD
Update 06.10.2013: update to allow all gamemodes on goatc and some geometry updates. Since the map was not part of the SPMC anymore I've postponed the sp elements. As a compensation I've now packaged my very own stuff map with brand new futurama tubes with this! love, meow! =)