Hey everyone !
I present you the version 4 of sauerFR (yeah I know I missed the version 3 ^^)
To see all details about what was already in the mod : Click here
Now, let's see what is new in this version :
- The mini-map is a little bit bigger (it is possible that not in some game mods, but it will be corrected soon)
- I added countdowns under the mini-map.
10 seconds when the flag is dropped (time before it is reset)
20 seconds when someone is holding a flag (for hold mod)
5 seconds before the enemy flag is reset
6 seconds before the flag is reset (in hold mod)
The flag will be scored for your team in 15 seconds
- I added new colors which you can use in cubescript (they are also used in the scoreboard)
\f8 (255, 55, 155) pink
\f9 ( 50, 255, 255) cyan
\fb ( 0, 110, 255) "flashy" blue
\fg ( 0, 255, 0) "flashy" green
\fh ( 0, 153, 0) dark green
\fm (200, 0, 255) "flashy" purple
\fo (255, 148, 0) "flashy" orange
\fp (255, 0, 0) "flashy" red
\fy (255, 255, 0) "flashy" yellow
- The names and texts colors in the chat changed a little bit :
Teammate alive/dead/spectating :
Enemy alive/dead/spectating :
Teammate (in teamchat) alive/dead :
- The playerslist has some changes too. Now, when someone holds a flag, his name comes at the top of the list, with a flag icon next to it.
Another icon appears next to a player's name, it is a skull icon with the number of skulls hold by the player.
- This skull symbol is also used in the scoreboard :
- Some sounds are played at the end of a game, they come from Red Eclipse.
These sounds are : "You win", "You lose" or "Twice score".
Like the old versions of the mod, you have to add in it the gamedata folder coming from your sauerbraten game, and also the files that you will find in the "packages" and "data" folders in the sauerFR.
If you encounter any bug, please tell me, and I will correct them as fast as possible.
Thanks to :
- piernov, for windows compilation and hosting
- Salicorne, for the skulls icons
- Khornettoh, for the screenshots
- RaZgRiZ, for the flags icons ( See his post here )