Well, I'm glad to release this map after a while.
In a far far universe a duel arena is almost out of existence by freezing cold wind currents out of space. By using heat-lamps and fans, the ogros, fixits and ironsnouts managed to keep certain places warm enough so they won't be frozen, as it would be an even tougher job to navigate.
I've tried to use several gibbie and lunaran textures to create an original look, but also to give the feeling you're not on earth anymore. The ice and snow are just to prevent a boring look and could be a nice addition to the theme. But that brings me to the following question (if you'll look into the map): Do you have any ideas to add even more details? Because I'm kind of out of ideas for a certain amount of time already. Please put them in your comment if you have some, I'll be pleased to hear about it.
The layout is meant to have a certain x-axis gameplay (so not just flat aiming) and is a little less open as most duel maps. But if you use your eyes, ears and mind, you'll be able to track your opponent in no-time and blast or shred him into pieces (as the middle wall is actually the only visual obstructive). You could keep this in mind: if you can't see your opponent, he probably is located at the other side of the map.
Feel free to leave a (somewhat constructive) comment somewhere on this content.
I would like to thank Rorschach for the custom texture.