//IRC-style register and identify commands
//prerequisites: server-side scripting and sqlite support
//Creator: Enzo - find me on quakenet in #sauerbraten
// release 10/10/2012
Identifying results in unspec, so this works best in locked mastermode.
//IRC-style register and identify commands //prerequisites: server-side scripting and sqlite support //Creator: Enzo - find me on quakenet in #sauerbraten // release 10/10/2012 defaultvalue "user_db" "default" // database for use if empty dont use databse users_table = "users" // hardcoded table name with authkeys sanitize__string = [ //this doesn't really work for some reason feedback = (format "sanitizing %1" $arg2) echo $feedback s = $arg2 s = (strreplace $s "^"" "") s = (strreplace $s "'" "") result $s ] user__exist = [ db_init $user_db nick = $arg1 //for reasons I can't fathom, sanitize_string screws up the nick //feedback = (format "user__exist: postsanitization testing if user exists arg1=%1 nick=%2" $arg1 $nick) //echo $feedback query = (format "SELECT nick FROM %1 WHERE nick=':0'" $users_table) qh = (db_pquery $query $nick $user_db) res = "" // check for errors if (= $qh -1) [ db_error $user_db pm $arg1 "user_exist: Database error" res = 0 ] [ res = (db_getrow $qh $user_db) (db_finalize $qh $user_db) if (=s $res "") [ res = 0 //err = (format "user__exist: user %1 not found in db." $nick) //echo $err ] [ res = 1 //err = (format "user__exist: user %1 found in db." $nick) //echo $err //(format "^f1Player ^f0%1 ^f1was connected from ip ^f0%2 ^f1at ^f0%3" $arg1 (int2ip (at $res 0)) (timef (at $res 1) "%d.%m.%Y, %X")) ] ] result $res ] cmd_userexist = [ //untested, but should work nick = (sanitize__string $arg2) if (= (user__exist $nick) 0) [ pm $arg1 "$nick is not in the user database." ] [ pm $arg1 "$nick is in the user database." ] ] registercommand "userexist" cmd_userexist 1 "s" "userexist ^f1Check to see if a user has registered. #userexist " password__match = [ db_init $user_db nick = $arg1 password = $arg2 query = (format "SELECT nick FROM %1 WHERE nick=':0' AND password=':1'" $users_table) qh = (db_pquery $query (concat $nick $password) $user_db) res = "" // check for errors if (= $qh -1) [ db_error $user_db pm $arg1 "user_exist: Database error" res = 0 ] [ res = (db_getrow $qh $user_db) (db_finalize $qh $user_db) if (=s $res "") [ res = 0 //err = (format "user__exist: passwords do not match." $nick) //echo $err //(format "^f1Player ^f0%1 ^f1have never connected" $arg1) ] [ res = 1 //err = (format "user__exist: passwords do match!" $nick) //echo $err //(format "^f1Player ^f0%1 ^f1was connected from ip ^f0%2 ^f1at ^f0%3" $arg1 (int2ip (at $res 0)) (timef (at $res 1) "%d.%m.%Y, %X")) ] ] result $res ] cmd_identify = [ nick = (getname $arg1) password = (sanitize__string $arg2) ipaddress = (getip $arg1) if (= (user__exist $nick) 1) [ if (= (password__match $nick $password) 1) [ welcomemsg = (format "Welcome back %1! Unspecing..." (getname $arg1)) pm $arg1 $welcomemsg spectator $arg1 0 //unspec player ] [ pm $arg1 "Invalid password." ] ] [ pm $arg1 "Your nick has not been registered. Register your nick first using #register " ] ] registercommand "identify" cmd_identify 1 "s" "identify ^f1Identify yourself, #identify " cmd_register = [ nick = (getname $arg1) //feedback = (format "pre-sanitized register nick=%1 arg2=%2" $nick $arg2) //echo $feedback password = (sanitize__string $arg2) ipaddress = (getip $arg1) //feedback = (format "postsanitized register nick=%1 password=%2" $nick $password) //echo $feedback // load keys from database if needed if (= (user__exist $nick) 0) [ db_init $user_db //create table users(nick text, password text, email text, ip text, status integer); //qh = (db_insert_replace $users_table "VALUES(':0',':1','',':2',1)" (concat $nick $password $ipaddress) $adduser_query $user_db) qh = (db_insert_replace $users_table "VALUES(':0',':1','',':2',1)" (concat $nick $password $ipaddress) $user_db) // check for errors if (= $qh -1) [ pm $arg1 "Database error, unable to add user." db_error $user_db ] [ pm $arg1 "User successfully added. Welcome!" spectator $arg1 0 //unspec player // no errors //authcount = 0 //while [row = (db_getrow $qh $auth_db); result (!=s $row "")] [ // // row format "degrave 23abc54bca4b3c5bc 0" // adduser (at $row 0) (at $row 1) // authcount = (+ 1 $authcount) // //echo (format "adduser %1 %2" (at $row 0) (at $row 1)) //] //syncmsg = (format "Authkeys reloaded, %1 authkeys were loaded from database" $authcount) db_finalize $qh $user_db ] ] [ pm $arg1 "User already exists." ] ] // register our command, for admins only registercommand "register" cmd_register 1 "s" "register ^f1Register yourself, #register "