Thanks for releasing it under my name, but I don´t need that credit, lol.
Why in the heck are you packaging it with my license file?!
You better want your own license/readme, don´t you? :P
(don´t forget to credit lunaran for that decal there too..:)
Also don´t put the cvs folder into your zip. It´s not needed. Those are just cvs data files.
You should also have *.md3 in lowewcase. Not so sure, but it might cause problems on linux if your file is called *MD3.
The model itself is nice, uv-space could have been used much better though. Also use a triangle strip on the bullet´s caps, saves you 2 polys each.
I like that dirt in the corners of the green finish, but that overall dirt layer you have on it seems strange (looks like you only lowered the oppacity?). Try "overlay" or "soft light" for blending such stuff, usually interacts better with the underlying texture.