It's a good map for being a first,
but, honestly, you made some beginner's mistakes too.
There is waaaaay too much ammo lying around,
you shouldn't ever have more than two packs lying close together,
usually one will do!
In the "circular room" (where crosshair is pointing in screenshot) you have a cube which could be fixed with some corner-pulling ...
The "feel" of the map is a little weird - some places are very open, others feel totally cramped, also there are a lot of times where I have no real options ... so that way anybody can easily predict my movements ... but that's a general problem with so small maps ;-)
Keep at it - there are aspects that show your talent as well -
for example the lights at the base of some pillars (a detail newbie-mappers seldom use) and quite a few corners with interesting/clever architectural modeling!