Actually, MOST people play WITHOUT texreduce (just thought i would let you know) and ALL players care about is how well the map is designed, the extra detail is there to make you feel a little more like you are actually IN the game. (i recently got hired on for olive garden, you know what the two most important things are about the food? the wine and the garnish (additives to make the food more appealing, no one wants to eat shitty looking food, in the same way, no one wants to play on a shitty looking map))
Your map is awful, I am a PLAYER for over FIVE years, and i am a MAP MAKER (though a lot of mine came out to be crap because when i was making them, i didn't know what made a good map, plus i have no imagination)
Oh and i thought i would let you know, there are tuts on youtube to explain how to make spheres, and when you take half of a sphere you get a dome, and then you put a rod through the dome and you have a mushroom.
i have you a -3/10 because not only did you say criticism was welcome here and you reject everything we are telling you, but you thought that we only play ictf (we are REAL PLAYERS we play MORE than one goddamn mode), and because you keep saying it was made to be good for gameplay when its not.
work on your lighting, work on texturing, work on editing things. you don't have to go into super detail like sui or cooper does, just make it detailed enough to look good and good enough to ENHANCE gameplay. give it some garnish.