No I haven't deleted active accounts. I Only deleted accounts which never posted anything last 5 weeks, so which are stated as never (as Razgriz told me to do so). I've never been informed to preserve the names of e-mail accounts which are existing for longer as 5 weeks (or any period), so you could call that part a communication-failure between the moderator/administrator team.
As I'm also just a human and a new being in moderatorship, I'll apologize if I did so (which can't be proved, but that's why I will take the blame as I'm sure no-one else here will).
Having more abilities than when you had in the past takes responsibilities as well, but that doesn't mean you should be fail-safe at the very start if you've never done something like that. Even that is a learning process.
Nevertheless, don't put an offence on me Penguins, I thought Quadropolis was having clear rules about that. You could have putted it a little bit different than just that.