So here we are, the node finally updated with moar handles of a wide variety.
Beware of onskullscore which is only for SVN.
And about onclientfrag, onclientdeath, and onclientsuicide, it should be noted that suicides count first, then deaths, then frags. No other reliable way. Keep that in mind.
Compatible with both Justice and SVN, so enjoy!
The handles SHOULD be pretty accurate when it comes to executing what you told them to, and fast as well.
For the sake of understanding, i have attached an example of usage:
/onclientfrag [say "DEAD!"]
However, my imagination is rather short on possible problems these might exhibit, so if you find any case where the handle is not reading the situation properly, let me know, and i'll adjust accordingly; lag may also play its part. And suggest more handle ideas if you have any, supposing they sound feasible enough.
Execute the file through your autoexec.cfg, or just copy the content from the file there.
Works the same way as edithud/gamehud do, meaning it is impossible to maintain multiple instances and activation is strictly client-side only.