Hello Guys,
first of all I would like to say that it is really great to see someone creating SP maps.
I used to play a lot SP, but some when I reached a level, where I had played everything there was to play.
I am really excited to be able to play a new SP map one more.
Today I used some of my free Time to test your map and It was really fun and quite challenging,
however i found some bugs and thought about some changes that might be able to improve the gameplay.
They are not sorted and probably contain a few spelling errors (I am not a native speaker and have a very hard time dealing with spelling anyway :/). Also they are verbalized pretty rude and contain some suggestions that are really hard to implement (I have great respect for anyone who can do Modeling or texturing with Cube and a 'ingame-voice-operater' is not something to be expected from a Mapper). I hope you don't mind and I hope the list will be able to help you.
(The other stages follow, when i have time, this took me about 2 hours :D ).
######### INTRO:
- Text is nice, but it would much improve the gameplay to have a voice saying the text, while the player moves to the start.
- Triggered sound mabe?
- Generally there is a lack of amiance sound
- Doors opening and closing sound without reason
- The update stuff in the first level is pritty boring, what about some ship goes crazy action?
- Mabe a subquest to reper the generator or so
- Gui is a little boring, use binds instead?
- In the first level the 2 spacecrafts before the moniotor glitch through the wall.
- First screenshot, Spacecraft glitching through a agyptinan pillar?
- (Bio Laboratory) It's quite hard to find the triggers that make show up the textboxes.
- I suggest Trigger when entering the room, that actiavtes a voice and a gameplay mechanisim mechanisim that makes the player stay in the room
- The second time i did the first level I still had to bruteforcw how to activate the platform.
- Make the generator-trigger activation only
- The texturing in the docking section looks a litte wierd to me, especially the wall with the cabels.
######### START:
- (Mission one setting) After killing the spieders and orcs it still tells me to have one training session
######### Capter One - Morning Hell:
- The envirement outside looks unnatural. I Suggest:
- Making the rocks smoother (press H to highmap)
- Also the rocks schould have oneother texture
- You can paint (dunno how) the grassless way to make the border between grass and way smoother
- There where some places where I was able to see the monsters with their tps. You should hide them.
- Also there are some places where you can clearly see the border of the map. Simulate a hill?
- The spiders pritty much immidietly kill you. You should add some warning and mabe give the player some time to look around. Also you should not place in a way that they attack from the back.
- You should add some parts, where the player learns what models are used for explosives and what are not
- The dialoges can be closed, to avoid confusion you should create a pre-game gui where the difficulty can be set for the ENTIRE campaing.
- You should use movaples rather than mapmodels for most situations.
- Having many monsters attacking you in an envirement with lots of Free space normally leads to the Monsters killing themselves (bad AI, you can enforce this with a little training), you can work around this res\
triction, by:
- Providing less space/ improving the strategical aspects of the area (more obstacles...)
- Deploying less monsters per wave while increasing the number of waves.
- Angel moved to the side and stuck in the ground?