Suicizer | 2011-11-08 18:38
Texture Prefabrication
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 (5 votes)
Shows all current available shader settings.

In this prefab are all known shader-settings of Sauerbraten specified. If your sure it's still missing some, please comment right on this node or contact me via "".
All "odd" rendered textures are intended to be rendered on such way, to show the possibilities of Cube Engine 2 (Sauerbraten).

This prefabricated configuration file is meant to show which shaders are possible to use.
It has been tested on an official non-modified version of the Justice-edition of Sauerbraten and the SVN after Justice-Edition, so don't fully expect it will still be up to date if using any of the specified shaders on any other release of Sauerbraten.

I would like to thank the person(s) who made the "docs" on "" and the person(s) who create the "wiki", as both contain some information about all settings, but not everything. I also would like to thank the development-team for their great work of Cube Engine (2).

There is no credit needed to use this, but when distributing so, please give me a credit as it contains pretty much information which I've putted several hours of research in it.

To-do List
Add explanation about commands like "texrotate", "texscale", "texcolor" and "texscroll", with all of their ingame variants (as the "vscale" command).
Add some more explanation of textureblending.
Continue creating a map which shows an example of several features (like for showing textureblending, envmap-rendering, etc).

9th of November 2011
Putted more detailed information about how bump-mapped texture get used in Cube Engine 2.
Explained the some more about the "setvertexparam" command.
Putted a screenshot which shows of the shader-settings into the zip-file.

11th of November 2011
- Removed the screenshot in the zip-file and posted it in the content itself.

12th of November 2011
- Replaced the screenshot for a better one.
- Fixed some small typos in the prefab itself.
- Replaced the "harmony skybox" specified line for the "forge skybox".
- Added explanation about commands which have support for rotating, offsetting and colouring any other textures than the diffuse texture (like the offsetting bump-mapped texture or colouring the diffuse texture only so the glow-mapped texture won't be affected, for example).
- Added the custom shader of the hudguns which has been used in the "assassin edition" and the "ctf edition".

16th of Novermber 2011
- Reviewed and changed the explanation of how bump-, specular- and height-mapped textures get rendered (it should be correct now).
- Changed the default settings which were notified to the correct values which are stated into "stdshader.cfg".
- Looked for some more shaders but failed. These are probably are all currently available shaders which are usefull for rendering textures (as shaders like "fogworld" exists too, but won't have any use for rendering a texture).

27th of November 2011
- It's been a while again and I managed to create a small map which is intended as example of how certain shaders could appear. It's not done yet and is SVN only (noticed I was creating it on the SVN version after I already made 3 rooms so I wasn't willing to start all over again).
- Added some more shader-settings (like "bumpenvspecparallaxworld", which only needs 2 other textures next to it's diffuse texture).
- Added another interpreted way of the custom shader, so it is easier to configure (thanks to Dekrow). It isn't configurable ingame though.

3rd of December 2011
- Made more process in finishing the sample-map. I'll probably make a map-prefab of this content, as It's pretty illogical to create contents for a material-prefab and a skybox-prefab also.
- I hope that would make this content very useful to any mapper, no matter how much experience he has (as everyone will forget something from time to time).
Damn, wondering when this would be a starred content with all that useful information :P.

7th of March 2012
- Nearly finished the map itself. I probably will separate it from this content and start a new, more related content.

10th of March 2012
- Moved the map to another node so this content stays preserved as a prefabrication of textures only. (6.78 KB)
 (5 votes)
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