This script will allow you to take cleaner, more organized screenshots. The included GUI enables you to to select what you want to hide in each image (hudgun, stats, hud) while the script will rename your screenshot based on the current mode and map. It will ultimately be renamed as [mode]_[map]_[if it's a 1v1, names of the two players]_[num] (num is included incase you take two screenshots with the same mode, map etc.; it's a convenient alternative to (getmillis)). The GUI will also show you an in-game image of your latest screenshot.
The GUI is bound to key M by default (can easily be changed). After opening the GUI, be sure to bind the key of your choice for taking screenshots via the guikeyfield (or, simply use /screen). Also note that all screenshots will be saved into a folder called "screenshots".
This is by no means finished yet, the following will likely be implemented:
- [done] Screen Viewer including all screenshots, not just latest
- [done] Support of other extensions besides .png
- Other stuff, if I think of any
Feedback is always welcome.
(9/20/2011) v0.8 - Initial release.
(9/24/2011) v0.9 - Added support for other extensions and made a few things more efficient.
(9/27/2011) v1.0 - Finished the full screenshot viewer, made a few things more efficient.
(10/7/2011) v1.1 - Small fixes, more to come.
(10/12/2011) v1.2 - You can now change the location at which the screenshots are saved from the GUI (the default is in a folder called "screenshots"). Also, you can select an option to show the GUI after every screenshot. The actual GUI images were made a little bigger as well.
(10/13/2011) v1.3 - The 'space in name' problem has been solved.