Greaserpirate | 2011-07-02 00:25
Overdrive (updated)
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 (4 votes)
Fight for energy!

Long ago, the power station on the rocky mountaintop was built to power both Red City and Blue City equally. However, as both cities grew, they took more and more energy, until war was declared. Will your city drive the other from the station before the generators break down from the strain?

This map was a lot of fun to make. It was based partly off of M.C. Esher's Impossible Cube, but I added more paths to the layout including a passageway encircling the map, a walkway that provides a quick path from one flag to the other but is devoid of any items or cover, and a control room for each team that is protected by one-way energy gateways.

This map was also an excercise in the "vtex" commands, which I hadn't really used that much before.

There are still some minor problems. I can't get the lightning around the generator to be seamless on all 4 sides, and I can't really get the lighting effects I want without /blurlms 2 and /blurskylight 2, which cause some faint lines that shouldn't be there. In any case, criticism is welcome, and this map I fully intend to make as good as I can.

-Removed part of the top platform and replaced it with burning wires. It's still possible to get across, but it's harder. The minimap now shows an S for Sauerbraten.
-deleted some of the jumppads so players have to take the long way over the top
-improved jumppads- they are now fully visible and fit the texture
-added a ramp that goes from the ground to the top platform so people on the ground aren't just stuck.
-curved most ramps in the center
-made pickups less concentrated in the center
-added trim and detailed textures to hallways
-made geometry around "ceil1a" texture fit the texture, and changed the decor. (It now looks kind of like a futuristic jukebox.)
-added lots of boxes for cover, and more ammo, to the flat hallway along the outside. Now players will have incentive to go there even in insta.
-added a flag room that's level with the first floor
-removed "trak5/tile3e.jpg" texture on diagonal surfaces.
-replaced texture in long slanted hallway
-added shadows
-changed water color from murky polluted green to fluorescent toxic green
-added intricate tangle of pipes in water
-added a death boundary outside of the map (If you cross it, your city's Command will activate your implanted cyanide pill).
-made pulsating textures less bright (6.44 MB)
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