I know all the effort put in this map so my point of view can be quite partial, but after two weeks of matches and "fine tuning" and more than a month from the scratch layout to the relase candidate, I wants to say that this map have an awesome gameplay in all modes, from ictf to capture to efficctf.
Detail are ok and light light enough. There is no surrounding so nothing of the gpu is wasted in eyecandy and confusing thing that spreads in game without strong balls at the back.
This map is perfect for 4to8 players playing the standard of the respective mode. The ways are well determinates, but, also, you can do some very nice flag-run, and, if you wants, there some easy tricks to learn for spicy the uncommonways and switching form one flag run to another. The jump to score is a finesse that make each points more interesting.
Waiting for playing on it more and more times :P
Is great so 8